Roasting Potatoes
¼ cups Olive Oil
1 package French Onion Soup Mix

Wash and dry potatoes. Cut them into quarters lengthwise.
Microwave them in a Ziploc bag for about 10 minutes. They should be just tender.
Pour about a quarter of a cup of olive oil over the hot potatoes. I usually do this over the sink because my bag invariably starts to leak. Make sure the potatoes are all covered in oil.
Tip in about half a packet of french onion soup mix. Try to get an even cover over the potatoes by mixing them around in the bag. I like a lot on mine so I usually add the rest of the packet!
Spread potatoes evenly onto a baking tray. I line mine with foil and then with a sheet of baking paper. (Washing up is then much easier!)
Pop into a preheated oven. Bake at 175C (350F) for about 45 minutes or until brown and crispy on the edges.

*The soup mix packet I use is 55 grams. In Australia, it is called ‘French Onion Soup” mix. I have used various types in Vienna. Some I have just had to guess by the pictures on the packet (my German is still progressing). As far as I can tell, any type of dry soup mix with an onion base works fine.
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