Fried Apple Pies

You'll Need :
1 pot of cooked apples
sugar to your taste
spices ( cinnamon, cloves, apple pie spice) to your taste
peanut oil for frying.

How to make it :
You can use dried fruit or fresh apples. You use your own judgment on how many apples to cook, to how many pies you want to make.
I peel, core,& slice my apples. Put them in a saucepan with very little water & cook slowly. The apples will make some juice their self. If you get too much liquid you can add a little cornstarch to the sugar to thicken. DON"T ADD The sugar until the apples have cooked.
Take off the heat and let it get cooled off. You don't want it to be warm, it will mess the dough up.
Sometimes I make my on crust, but most of the time I just use can biscuits. I get the store brand, they work best. DON"T get the buttermilk biscuits, get the home style. The name brand usually has kosher salt, it will make little holes in the crust when you fry them. So the store works best.
The flour you pastry sheet, put a biscuit on it and roll out as if you're making a crust. Dampen the edge of the dough so it will seal off better. Place about 1 1/2 teaspoon of filling in the middle. It really depends on how much you roll the crust. You don't want it thick or too thin to tear when you're frying them. Dampen edge with water using your fingertip.
Fold over the crust, take a fork and press around the edge, turn over and repeat the edge again.
I use an electric skillet with peanut oil. Lay your pie in the skillet when you think the oil is hot enough. When you lay the pie in, it should start to sizzle around the edges. Fry it until golden brown, turn & fry on the other side.
I usually have my skillet temp. around 300 degrees, but the temp can vary on the different skillet, just keep a close eye, & don't burn them.
Lay on paper towels to drain. I sprinkle with a sugar & cinnamon mixture in a salt shaker. Then enjoy!! Every time I take these pies for a get-together, whether home or church, these pies disappear fast.
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