Yummy fried corn

10 large cobs, fresh corn –
1 stick butter –
3 tablespoons canola oil –
2 tablespoons sugar –
1 teaspoon flour –
1/2 cup milk –
salt/pepper –

in a large skillet, heat butter and oil over medium-high heat until hot.
in a bowl, shave the corn from the cobs with a sharp chef’s knife. with the back of the knife, firmly scrape the cobs over the bowl to extract as much milk from the corn as possible. then add milk, flour, sugar, salt/pepper (to taste) to the bowl and stir to combine. pour the corn mixture into the hot butter and oil in the skillet being careful not to splash yourself. cook, continually stirring until corn is tender, broken down and creamy, about 15 – 20 minutes.
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