Oreo Cookie Balls

Oreo Cookie Balls
1-18oz. pkg oreo cookies (regular size, 3 rows of cookies)
1-8oz. pkg cream cheese-block
4 oz white chocolate almond bark
Add oreos to food processor and blend until fine.
Add cream cheese to oreo crumbs and blend until dough-like.
Chill mixture for 15 minutes then roll into bite-size balls. Chill balls for 15 minutes.
Melt almond bark in microwave according to package directions. Dip chilled oreo balls in melted chocolate using fork so chocolate can “drip off”. Set covered cookie balls onto waxed paper and let set aprox. 30 minutes. If using sprinkles or decorative sugars do so before chocolate sets. I usually do a dozen at a time sprinkling after each dozen.
Serves: 24-36
Prep:1 Hr
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